Zoom, Zoom, Zoom! News Associates staff and trainees make most of online learning
Our newsrooms may have fallen uncharacteristically silent but News Associates trainees certainly haven’t – but would you expect anything else?
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Our newsrooms may have fallen uncharacteristically silent but News Associates trainees certainly haven’t – but would you expect anything else?
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The ‘Breaking into broadcast’ panel told the audience of fledgling journalists to take every opportunity and be prepared to fight for them, writes News Associates undergraduate trainee Emily Hemsley.
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We’re thrilled to announce Susie Boniface, aka Fleet Street Fox, will speak at JournoFest 2019.
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Our sports journalism course is the UK’s number one NCTJ journalism course because of the amazing results our trainees continue to achieve – but it’s the incredible jobs they land that we’re most proud of.
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Three years ago Aaron Fowler graduated from News Associates with a gold-standard NCTJ Diploma in Multimedia Sports Journalism. Here’s his story:
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Trainee journalists are entering an industry at a crossroads which is both daunting and thrilling in equal measure according to JournoFest 2018 panellists, writes part-time journalism trainee Emma Gant.
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Accuracy is everything in broadcast journalism, according to JournoFest’s ‘Breaking into Broadcast’ panel, writes sports journalism trainee James Roberts.
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We’re excited to announce that JournoFest 2018 will feature a ‘Breaking into broadcast’ panel.
newsassociates News Ian Woods, JournoFest, News Associates
We’re thrilled to announce Sky News senior correspondent Ian Woods will speak at JournoFest 2018.
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Two News Associates graduates proved once again that award-winning journalism training equals award-winning journalists at the 2018 NCTJ diploma exam awards.