News Associates graduate wins Young Reporters Writing category at AIPS Sport Media Awards in Spain

News Associates sports journalism graduate Jack Bantock won the Young Reporters Writing category at the AIPS Sport Media Awards in Santa Susanna, Barcelona.

The CNN International journalist won the prestigious award at the sixth annual AIPS Awards for his piece, For nearly 50 years, only Black men caddied The Masters. One day, they all but vanished.  

Jack Bantock on stage collecting his award from AIPS President Gianni Merlo at the ceremony in Spain
Jack Bantock collecting his award from AIPS President Gianni Merlo

Jack, who studied on a sports journalism course at News Associates 2020-2021, said: “It’s a little surreal – I got some shifts at Eurosport covering the Tokyo Olympics right after News Associates and then I started as a sports intern at CNN not long after that wrapped up. It was a six-month internship, but I ended up staying to work on Sport + to help out with the news desk (Russia invaded Ukraine right as my internship ended), then last year I moved to work on our golf coverage.

“To be totally honest I’m not a massive golf nut but it’s been so great to throw myself into something new – I didn’t want to be tunnel visioned on one sport (aka football) early on and CNN has been great for that because you cover so many different sports on a daily basis.

“I know it’s easy to say now but the caddies piece is far and away my favourite piece I’ve written. I found it so, so hard to write (never had writer’s block like it!) because I really wanted to do justice to the people it’s about – there are so many amazing accomplishments and anecdotes tied to them, and the impact they had on the Masters was enormous.

“To win for anything is obviously lovely but it’s especially sweet with this one because the entire crux of the story was about ensuring these guys are remembered and celebrated.

 “The people at the museum were unbelievably helpful and are working so hard to ensure those caddies are getting their flowers, so I can’t wait to tell them about this.

“And shoutout News Associates – it was the best start.

“Once I shrugged off the imposter syndrome, the ceremony was amazing – I can’t even imagine the logistics of getting everyone in from around the world, but the organisers did such a great job putting it all together.

“To have my dad there made it perfect – I’m thrilled to win but I think he’s more excited than me!”

Jack took home a shiny trophy and also won an AIPS scholarship in a major international sports event.

News Associates editorial development director Lucy Dyer said: “We’re super proud of Jack for winning this prestigious award. Having your work recognised on an international stage is incredibly impressive and we’re delighted to have played a small part in your journey.

“Congratulations also to News Associates graduate Adonis Pratsides for making the shortlist in the audio category.”

Read more about our trainees and grads’ successes here.