Best journalism newsletters to subscribe to

From jobs and opportunities to personal insights into the industry, here is our list of the best journalism newsletters to subscribe to.

When finding quality journalism, we have more choice than ever – newsletters are a fantastic way to cut through the noise and get the content you actually want to read straight to your inbox.

Whether you love the work of a particular publication or you want to be the first to know about new opportunities and events, subscribing to newsletters can help you stay connected and kickstart your curiosity for journalism.

Best journalism newsletters for job searching

Journo ResourcesJourno Resources is the first newsletter aspiring journalists should turn to – every week, founder Jem Collins sends out loads of journalism jobs, including starting out roles, next step positions and freelance gigs.

Media BeansThe Media Beans newsletter includes a wide range of media jobs, including print, broadcast production, copywriting and much more. It also has a handy list of internships and fellowships with the upcoming deadline dates.

Freelancing for JournalistsA fantastic newsletter to subscribe to for all things freelance! This newsletter shares the best tips, insights and career advice from the Freelancing for Journalists podcast episodes.

Sian Meades-WilliamsThis newsletter by Sian Meades-Williams helps you get paid freelance jobs. Sian also recently launched the Freelance Writing Jobs Fund, which awarded grants to writers struggling due to the pandemic.

Best journalism newsletters for career starters

PressPadPressPad is an award-winning social enterprise which links young people with journalism work experience and accommodation in London. Subscribe to the newsletter to stay up-to-date with how PressPad works to lower the financial barrier into the industry. 

Peak DistrictWritten by News Associates alumna Beth Kirkbride, this newsletter provides an insight into what it’s like to start a career as a journalist, with advice, messages of support and recommendations for reading, listening and watching.

Young Journalist CommunityAn uplifting and inspiring read, the Young Journalist Community publishes a newsletter featuring the work of young, up-and-coming journalists, including a list of ‘first-times’ for members of the community.

Best journalism newsletters for industry updates

Ann FriedmanAnn Friedman is the queen of journalism newsletters. In her own words, her weekly newsletter is ‘full of great writing and GIFs and gems from the far-flung corners of the internet.’

Deez LinksJournalist Delia Cai’s newsletter, Deez Links, sends you one link every morning to interesting news about what’s happening in the media industry, as well as Q&As with journalists each Friday.

Best journalism newsletters from publications

The EconomistThe Economist send their top article picks to your email, with fascinating feature pieces from around the world.

Tortoise MediaTortoise advocates a new way of telling the news: revealing slow news rather than breaking lots of short stories. The newsletter selects their best stories and sends fascinating pieces for you to read and listen to.

The IndiependentIf you subscribe to The Indiependent newsletter, you’ll get your fill of regular news roundups, music, film, TV and book recommendations – anything and everything related to entertainment!

Manchester MillIf you’re based in Manchester, check out The Mill, which advocates a new way of telling local news. Signing up for the newsletter means you won’t miss any of the biggest Manchester stories.

South West Londoner – Another great local newsletter, South West Londoner is packed full of stories written and produced by our trainees! If you’re based in south-west London, subscribe to get the best stories of the week directly in your inbox, including news, sports, life, entertainment and food and drink.

You don’t need to stop at reading amazing journalism – you could be writing it too! Check out our list of the best places to pitch to as an aspiring journalist.

Click here to apply for one of our journalism courses or sign up for a free journalism workshop on Zoom.